Review: Guardian by Sara Mack

SYNOPSIS:Guardian final_cover

True love never dies.
Emma Donohue begs to differ.

When a late night accident claims the love of her life, Emma secludes herself in memories of James. In his sandy brown hair and clear blue eyes. In their innocent first kiss and declarations of love. In their plans for a life together after college. But happy dreams can’t rid her of the guilt she carries. She can’t erase her actions the night he died. She can’t erase her reaction at his funeral. And she can’t erase the hollow void that fills her chest and consumes her heart.

The first time Emma hears James’ voice, she’s astounded. It sounds as if he’s standing right beside her, and she fears her shattered heart is trying to drive her mad. But, as she continues to hear the voice, she finds comfort in it. With the help of her best friend Shel and handsome newcomer Dane, she tries to move forward and start living again.

Until the voice in her head turns out to be more. So much more.

You know what they say.
True love never dies.


This book was amazing, I honestly don’t know what took me so long to take the plunge and read it! I love a good paranormal book, but more often then not they fall in the category of YA; however, this book is NA so its a win all around! The book starts out confusing and you find yourself asking what is going on? Well, I believe Sara Mack did that on purpose because you have to keep reading to figure out the pieces and get the answers. Emma is struggling, she is sinking into depression and drowning in grief. Then there is sweet James who meet me in memories, in voices, and in so many other ways.

I love James, and here is the part where you know its going to be good, because I equally kinda love Dane too. It starts to get the love triangle going, and normally I am very one sided on these and have a distinct image in my mind as to who Emma should end up with but in this case I do not. I still have alot of unanswered questions but I can guarantee this book will suck you in, make you fall in love, and leave you wanting more. Check it out!



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