Review: Third Position by Melody Grace

SYNOPSIS:Third Position

He taught me a dance beyond passion. He showed me the pleasure my body was made to create.

Now I have to choose.

Raphael or my future?

My passion or my one true love?

There’s no hiding from the truth any longer.

Everything changes tonight.

*The third and final part of the sexy, seductive romance serial*


I wanted to love this book but I couldn’t. I felt like Annalise had to choose between Raphael (who she has known for a short period of time) or the one thing she has spent her whole life striving for. It felt like her relationship with Raphael was extremely rushed and I couldn’t find it relate-able or realistic. I am glad that Annalise finally found her voice but I don’t think she found it for herself, I think she found it for Raphael. The fact that she was so dependent on her relationship with Raphael was kinda of disappointing.

I am not a fan of the passive girl who can’t stand on her own two feet. I wasn’t a fan of the epilogue either. It just wasn’t realistic, I want to blow a million spoilers in this but I am just going to refrain and said that I wouldn’t throw things away or put all my eggs in one basket.



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