Review: More Than This by Jay McLean

SYNOPSIS:More Than This

In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun. This is my story of friendship and love, heartbreak and desire, and the strength to show weakness.

One night I met a girl. A sad and broken girl, but one more beautiful than any other. She laughed through her sadness, while I loved through her heartbreak.

*This is our story of a maybe ever after.*

He was right. It made no difference whether it was 6 months or 6 years.
I couldn’t undo what had been done. I couldn’t change the future.
I couldn’t even predict it.
It was one night.
One night when everything changed.
It was so much more than just the betrayal.
It was the Tragedy.
The Deaths.
The Murders.
But it was also that feeling.
The feeling of falling.


This book was so refreshing, I absolutely adored it. This book just got me in the feels. Mikayla, my goodness, I felt so bad for her, it was like blow after blow after blow. She just kept getting pushed down and I don’t know if I would have been able to recover from what she went through. Then there is Jake, Jake is wonderful and sweet and sexy as hell. I loved how this story is so much more then pain and grieving but it is about finding love when you are left in the darkest of places.

From the first chapter I was hooked, I was engulfed and I didn’t put the book down until I was finished. I had to know what was going to happen. Then the chapters just developed and I just got lost in the story and by half way through I had my fair share of tears and heartache. This story was captivating and touched my heart.


He’s not the hearts and flowers kind of guy, but he’s the heart and soul kind, and fuck if every girl would rather that than flowers.


0 responses to “Review: More Than This by Jay McLean”

  1. shylockbooks says:

    This looks like a really great book! Love the premise of it!