Review: More Than Him by Jay McLean

SYNOPSIS:More Than Him

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson

We live in a world of darkness and shadows,
where monsters hide and aim to ruin.
And they did.
They ruined us and turned our dreams into nightmares.
But now we’re back.
And we’re fighting.
Not just for us, or for each other, but for our light.


I get to the last page, the last sentence, the last word in the this book and all I can say is Holy cow Jay, what the f*ck! Talk about a cliffhanger she drops an epic atomic bomb on my feels and then has the nerve to make me wait?! Thank goodness the final book is on my Kindle.

This book was freaking amazing, I absolutely adored it. I love Amanda, I love Logan, I love Ethan (like 99% of the time), I am obsessed with Lucy, but most of all I love Alan! He is the best parent I have ever read. Seriously, he is amazing and awesome and I could go on for days about how I just want to hug him and lets be honest, I just want to hug everyone from the book and be best friends with them all. Jay, can you make that happen? Just write me into this amazing fictional world that you have created that I simply cannot get enough of!

This series is taking me on a journey that only a handful of series have been able to do. I am captivated, truly how can you not be. Throughout the book we learn more of Logan’s history and you fall in love with him all over. I cannot get over Amanda, her ability to love and be strong is awe-inspiring. Drunk Lucy and sober Lucy rank up there as one of the funniest characters I have ever read (Next to Grandma from Rachel Van Dyken’s The Bet Series). So here are my five second chance at love stars!



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