Review: My Side by Tara Brown


Erin Benson felt like she’d won the lottery when she arrived all the way from North Dakota with the keys to her first home in hand.
Crisp white walls: Check.
Breathtaking view of downtown Boston: Check.
Minutes from Northeastern School of Law: Check.

But home is not always where the heart is. Sometimes it’s where you find Mr. Random shacked up and sprawled out on what was supposed to be your new bed.
Between the bear spray and the handcuffs, she discovers a terrible mistake has been made.
Lochlan hasn’t broken into her new home to sleep with a seedy barmaid…he owns half.

With emotions running on high, Erin is determined to tough it out until a solution can be found.
The tight quarters seem smaller with his accumulated clutter and bizarre sleeping schedule. It also doesn’t help that he’s the new lead singer for Thin Ice, an indie band on its rise to fame.
What happens when a quiet bookworm gets stuck with a relentless rocker?
What happens when the things you see are not the things you get?


Oh, this book has brought out so many mixed feelings from within me. On one hand, I love Lochlan and Erin, on the other hand I feel like they were a train wreck and the book was a train wreck. Allow me to dive deeper into these mixed feelings. Lochlan is your ideal, bad boy rocker, he is reckless, impulse, sexy, and constantly f*cking up. On the flip side, Erin is a perfectionist, goal-oriented, neat freak. Obviously these 2 as roommates is a recipe for crazy fun and a crazy disaster at the same time. For a while the story had me hooked.

So about two-thirds into the book, I just had an ah-ha moment where I was like okay, no, there is simply too much crazy b*llsh*t happening for this to even be plausible. There were just too many crazy events, people dying, Lochlan being a whore, Erin running, Lochlan running, cheating, hidden secrets, among other things that would be considered spoilers that I will spare. It was like Murphy’s Law threw up all over Erin and Lochlan and the only reason they kept ending up together was because the secondary characters kept telling them how much it was meant to be.

I felt like they were forced to be together and didn’t end up together because they worked out their issues. In addition, the story ends and I am still compiling a mental list of all the ridiculous sh*t that is still a problem in their relationship. Honestly, I wanted to punch Lochlan for repetitively messing up and slap Erin for being so hot and cold. These two are absolutely infuriating. The secondary characters, for the most part, truly make the story. They are witty, charming, and fun. I just don’t know why it just went so wrong…


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