Review: Passing Through Purgatory by Nik Knight

SYNOPSIS:Passing Through Purgatory by Nik Knight is a rom-com urban fantasy series, full of found family, embarrassing encounters, spicy situations, and love that crosses dimensions.

When Oliver applied for a job in the Hell dimension on a whim, he didn’t expect it to turn his whole world—or his heart—entirely upside down.
Recently graduated at twenty-six, and two months behind on rent, Oliver Barnes is desperate. So desperate, in fact, that he applies for a job in the Greed district of Hell’s Pentagram. But when he misses his train and, subsequently, his job interview, he stumbles, instead, upon a strange little coffee shop in the middle of Purgatory’s barren desert—and into an unexpected opportunity.

It isn’t the job he came to Hell for, but maybe it’s exactly the job he needs.

As he navigates the demon dimension and tries to survive the ridiculous shenanigans of his unholy co-workers, Oliver soon falls head-over-ass for a tentacled lawyer with electric fingers and a deadly-sharp grin. Together, they discover that, sometimes, love and happiness can be just a train ride away.


Nik Knight is back with a positively delightful read. I honestly could not put the story down, I found myself quickly swept away into this enchanting world and as I closed the last page, I was sad to see it end. Quirky characters, hilariously awkward moments, sizzling chemistry, this was the escapism read and ‘monster’ romance I have been searching for.

Now I first have to get my one and only grievance out of the way, the cover is absolutely HORENDOUS. If I hadn’t read Nik Knight’s other works, I would have never picked it up. It looks childish and the story inside is anything but that. It also doesn’t do either character justice so read the synopsis, ignore the ugly cover, and decide if its worth a go.

Rant aside, I love this story. The first three chapters start off a little slow, we are world building but also getting a massive character dump. And in the end there are so many characters that I hope they all get a story. After that I found myself laughing at the awful awkwardness of Oliver, the lack of filter on Gem, and just the sheer ridiculousness of the story. It was breath of fresh air and one I didn’t know I needed. Artful balanced between the jokes; laughs, and chaos were tender heartfelt moments that had me giddy.

Oliver and Liel are sticky cute together and the chemistry between them is electric (pun intended). I loved how they had a period of getting to know each other before things heated up in the bedroom. There was a true connection between them and I loved the interspecies aspect. The sex scenes were not only smoking hot, they were also a learning experience. The pacing of their relationship felt natural and as the story came to a conclusion, I couldn’t have been happier for Oliver and Liel.

This story was the true definition of found family. It left me with warm fuzzy feelings and wanting more, which it looks like I’ll get as a sequel is planned. In the mean time, I just need to decide what to read next.


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