Review: Protecting What’s Theirs by Tessa Bailey

SYNOPSIS: Possession is nine-tenths of the law. And she belongs to him. Ginger Peet has never regretted leaving Nashville with her sister and their life-sized statue of Dolly Parton. Now she’s settled in Chicago with Lieutenant Derek Tyler, spending her nights pressed against every inch of his hard, dominating, and panty-meltingly-hot body. And there’s nowhere […]

Review: Tear by Rachel Van Dyken

SYNOPSIS: Life as a teenager is never easy. But for Natalee Murray, things have just gotten way more difficult. Bored with life, she can’t wait to graduate high school and get out of town, especially considering the famous band members from AD2 suddenly start attending her school, making her once boring life, absolutely insane. It […]

Review: Keep by Rachel Van Dyken

SYNOPSIS: My name’s shouted on rooftops. It’s written on bras, bathroom stalls, hell my name is everywhere. To say my name is to experience an orgasm without ever leaving your house. My name? Zane “Saint” Andrews. I’m sex. I’m a rock god. I’m also a virgin. What they don’t know won’t kill them right? Give […]

Review: Lost in La La Land by Tara Brown

SYNOPSIS: What if you could enter the world created inside of your favorite novel? Close your eyes and live for a day as Elizabeth Bennet or Harry Potter? Experience every magical sentence ever written, first hand? Escape the ordinary and live the extraordinary! That’s the sales pitch for Dr. Emma Hartley’s dream machine, Lucid Fantasies. […]

Audio Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling

SYNOPSIS: Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His best friends Ron and Hermione have been very secretive all summer and he is desperate to get back to school and find out what has been going on. However, what Harry discovers is far more devastating than […]