Review: If I Fix You by Abigail Johnson

SYNOPSIS: When sixteen-year-old Jill Whitaker’s mom walks out—with a sticky note as a goodbye—only Jill knows the real reason she’s gone. But how can she tell her father? Jill can hardly believe the truth herself. Suddenly, the girl who likes to fix things—cars, relationships, romances, people—is all broken up. Used to be, her best friend, […]

Release Day Blitz/Review/Giveaway: Honor by Jay Crownover

SYNOPSIS: Don’t be fooled. Don’t make excuses for me. I am not a good man. I’ve seen things no one should, done things no one should talk about. Honor and conscience have no place in my life. But I’ve fought and I’ve survived. I’ve had to. The first time I saw her dancing on that […]

Review: Bright Side by Kim Holden

SYNOPSIS: Secrets. Everyone has one. Some are bigger than others. And when secrets are revealed, Some will heal you … And some will end you. Kate Sedgwick’s life has been anything but typical. She’s endured hardship and tragedy, but throughout it all she remains happy and optimistic (there’s a reason her best friend Gus calls […]

Review: Built by Jay Crownover

SYNOPSIS: Sometimes you have to tear everything down to build something new… Sayer Cole is frozen inside. At least, that’s what it’s felt like for as long as she can remember. She’s yet to let anyone past her icy exterior – and the one guy she thinks might melt her heart couldn’t possibly be interested […]

Review: Leveled by Jay Crownover

SYNOPSIS: We all need a hero…let the Saints of Denver begin Orlando Frederick knows what it is to be leveled by pain. Instead of focusing on his own, he’s made it his mission to help others: sports stars, wounded war vets, survivors of all kinds. But when Dom, a rugged, damaged, sinfully attractive cop, makes […]