Review: The Darkest Secret by Jessica Pine
July 27, 2014
SYNOPSIS: Nobody looks at me anymore. Not since it happened. Not since I locked myself away in my room, unable even to open my bedroom door without having a panic attack. Nobody looks at me… except Jimmy. I’ve never seen a man look at me like he does. From the moment he started working for […]
Review: It Was Me by Anna Cruise
July 26, 2014
SYNOPSIS: All West Montgomery wanted was a vacation. A week-long stay in Tucson with Abby and her parents, a chance to get away for the week, the opportunity to get to know her family a little better and maybe carve out a little alone time with his girlfriend. What he doesn’t count on is finding […]
Review/Teaser/Excerpt/Giveaway: More Than Forever by Jay McLean
July 23, 2014
SYNOPSIS: -LUCY- There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured. A heart so strong it will never slow. There is a promise so sure it can never lie. He promised me that love forever. Even when it wasn’t enough. -CAMERON- Forever. Everlasting. Eternal. There is no measure of time. No sounds of the […]
Review: It Was You by Anna Cruise
July 20, 2014
SYNOPSIS: Abby Sellers knows what she wants. Enduring eighteen years in the shadow of her identical twin sister, Annika, she wants a fresh start. A chance to create her own life, separate from her conniving, deceptive twin. Surprising both her family and friends, Abby ditches her plans for college and enrolls at a new school […]
Review: Give Me Something by Elizabeth Lee
July 19, 2014
SYNOPSIS: Here’s the deal… I learned a long time ago that sometimes you have to use what you’ve got to make things happen. What I happen to have is a pretty smile, long legs and the ability to make men believe anything I say. Before you get on your high horse and start judging me, […]