Audio Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
January 8, 2017
SYNOPSIS: Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has already survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard […]
Top 5 Reads of 2016
December 31, 2016
I have been debating on whether or not to write this post. This year as a blog has been filled with many ups and downs. I was an epic failure when it came to my Goodreads challenge, I started off the year hoping to read 150 books then adjust to 100 books and I still […]
Review: Keeping Her by Cora Carmack
December 20, 2016
SYNOPSIS: Garrick Taylor and Bliss Edwards managed to find their happily-ever-after despite a rather . . . ahem . . . complicated start. By comparison, meeting the parents should be an absolute breeze, right? But from the moment the pair lands in London, new snags just keep cropping up: a disapproving mother-in-law-to-be, more than one […]
Review: Losing It by Cora Carmack
December 19, 2016
SYNOPSIS: Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, Bliss Edwards decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible – a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone […]
Review: Dark Surrender by Rachel Van Dyken
December 12, 2016
SYNOPSIS: I grew up as a prince… And lead the life of a King. There isn’t anyone or anything that doesn’t want me, that isn’t attracted to me. They can’t help it. And I sure as hell don’t want them to. I live for their lust, I crave touch like an addiction, I make them […]