Review: My Side by Tara Brown

SYNOPSIS: Erin Benson felt like she’d won the lottery when she arrived all the way from North Dakota with the keys to her first home in hand. Crisp white walls: Check. Breathtaking view of downtown Boston: Check. Minutes from Northeastern School of Law: Check. But home is not always where the heart is. Sometimes it’s […]

Review: Make Me by Tessa Bailey

SYNOPSIS: Construction worker Russell Hart has been head-over-work boots for Abby Sullivan since the moment he laid eyes on her. But he knows a classy, uptown virgin like her could never be truly happy with a rough, blue-collar guy like him. If only she’d stop treating him like her personal hero—a role he craves more […]

Review: Need Me by Tessa Bailey

SYNOPSIS: When Honey Perribow traded in her cowboy boots for stilettos and left her small Kentucky town to attend Columbia University, she never expected to find a dirt-cheap apartment or two new best friends. No stranger to hard work, Honey is completely focused on her medical degree … until she sees newly minted professor Ben […]

Review: Chase Me by Tessa Bailey

SYNOPSIS: College drop-out, Roxy Cumberland, moved to New York with dreams of becoming an actress, but her dwindling bank account is quickly putting the kibosh on that fantasy. To make some quick cash, she signs up to perform singing telegrams. Her first customer is a gorgeous, cocky Manhattan trust-funder if she ever laid eyes on […]

Audio Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

SYNOPSIS: The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he’s packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named Dobby who says that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster […]