Review: When Reason Breaks by Cindy L. Rodriguez

SYNOPSIS: A Goth girl with an attitude problem, Elizabeth Davis must learn to control her anger before it destroys her. Emily Delgado appears to be a smart, sweet girl with a normal life, but as depression clutches at her, she struggles to feel normal. Both girls are in Ms. Diaz’s English class, where they connect […]

Review: Reborn (alternative ending) by Tara Brown

SYNOPSIS: This is the alternate ending to the final book of the Born Trilogy. It is entirely for the fans. If you have not read Reborn I suggest you read it first. REVIEW: This is the ending I had wanted to happen. Sorry Jake but Emma and Will were made for each other. I think […]

Review: Reborn by Tara Brown

SYNOPSIS: Twenty years ago a man made a child he never intended to love. Ten years ago the world ended and Emma turned her back on the man she believed was her father…in an attempt to survive. Eight weeks ago she discovered the truth about her family, including the sister she never knew she had. […]

Review: Born to Fight by Tara Brown

SYNOPSIS: Highly anticipated sequel to the number one bestselling novel, Born. Twenty years ago scientists made some remarkable discoveries with genetics and the ability to perfect the babies we gave birth to. Ten years ago the governments of the world made a hard choice, earth or people. Nine weeks ago the choices they made came […]

Cover Reveal: The Hidden Library by Heather Lyons

The Hidden Library by Heather Lyons Release Date: February 26, 2015 Genre: Adult Fairytale SYNOPSIS: Sometimes, the rabbit hole is deeper than expected . . . Alice Reeve and Finn Van Brunt have tumbled into a life of secrets. Some secrets they share, such as their employment by the clandestine organization known as The Collectors’ […]