Review: Broken Pieces by Dawn Pendleton

SYNOPSIS: It’s been a rough year for Gabby Peterman. Her best friend’s dad died six months ago, her other best friend has leukemia and isn’t doing well, and her marriage? After three years, it’s more of a joke than a relationship. Despite all the odds, she’s managed to stay strong for the people around her, […]

Cover Reveal: Entice by Rachel Van Dyken

Entice by Rachel Van Dyken Expected Release: May 13, 2014 DESCRIPTION: From #1 New York Times Bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken comes the third book in the bestselling Eagle Elite Series… “As burns this saint, so burns my soul. I enter alive, and I will have to get out dead.” Chase Winter let the love […]

Cover Reveal and Giveaway: Take Me for Granted by K.A. Linde

Take Me for Granted by K.A. Linde Expected Release: April 29, 2014 DESCRIPTION: Grant Manwhore. Adrenaline junkie. Lead singer of ContraBand. What you seeis what you get. I make no apologies for my actions, and by now no one expects any from me. I live my life the way I want and as long as […]

Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

SYNOPSIS: Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 13, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumours in her lungs … for now. Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too; post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (a long […]

Review: Avoiding Decisions by K.A. Linde

SYNOPSIS: Two Avoiding Series novellas written from Jack and Ramsey’s point of views from the first time they each meet Lexi with an EXCLUSIVE first look at the intro to Avoiding Temptation!!! Jack’s POV: Jack and Lexi never had a typical relationship. In the bestselling novel, Avoiding Commitment, you find out why. There are two […]