Review: A Nordic King by Karina Halle


When I first applied for the job I thought it would be like all the others: working as a nanny for an aristocratic family.
Then I got the job and found out how wrong I was.

Now I’m the new nanny for two adorable little girls who happen to be princesses.

Their father is the widowed King of Denmark.
And my new home? The royal palace in Copenhagen.
Adjusting to my new life isn’t easy but the hardest part hasn’t been the girls who still grieve over the loss of their mother.

It’s their father.
Cold, mysterious and moody, with an icy stare that seems to penetrate your soul, King Aksel may have hired me to take care of his daughters but he wants as little to do with me as possible.

Yet the longer I share these palace walls with this man, the more that I’m drawn to him. His chiseled face and sexual swagger are only part of the package. It’s in the long, intense glances at the dinner table, the way we’ll brush up against each other in the halls, the rare glimpses of the man deep inside, like the sun passing through clouds.
But no matter how I feel about him, we can never be together.

You think it’s bad enough being in love with your boss?
Try falling in love with a king.


So I have been in a 3 week long book slump, nothing on my Kindle or bookshelf was catching my eye or keeping my attention, and that says a lot because my house and Kindle are overloaded with books. Alas, I was floating around in a funk but then this gorgeous man kept popping up on my feeds, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, everywhere on social media, this cover was there. So I bite, I read the synopsis…and YES! I need this book, off to one-click I go and I devoured it in less than 24 hours. A delicious slow burn that had me swooning nonstop, how is this my first Karina Halle book?!

I have met Karina before, I am pretty sure I have had drinks with her at one of the Apollycon book signings but I never read her work. I am not really sure why, maybe because I am a mood reader and I just haven’t been in that kinda mood. That ends rapidly because I just went on a one-click spree. But enough gushing, let me talk about King Aksel. I loved everything about this story line. There was enough tension and drama that it flowed seamlessly and as one question was answered, another was thrusted into the focal point. I was captivated by the mystery surround King Aksel and I wanted to learn and unravel Aurora’s secrets as well.

King Aksel starts off as a stubborn-*ss but once you wear down the facade, he had me swooning. I think I actually had to pause several times while reading and just sigh and giggle because that man is the definition of smooth talker. No wonder he is King, I would do anything he asked *fans self*. Aurora really grew and blossomed over the course of the book and to find her fighting for her future was inspiring. She was a beauty and a force of nature all in her own. Aksel and Aurora were the sweetest burn, the tension between them was palpable. And when they finally come together, well lets just say, its worth the wait! Cue the endless blushing and steamy scenes. King Aksel is quiet the dirty talker and I am starting to blush just typing that, ha!

The secondary characters are enchanting and only add to this read. Aksel’s daughters, Clara and Freja were adorable and sweet. I usually shy away from children being in books but these two steal the show in the best way with endless hearts and shenanigans that had me laughing out loud. Maja was a sassy great aunt who we all want and Stella (Aksel’s sister) knew way too much for not even living at the castle, the girl is wise beyond her years. I just adored everything about this story, my heart is filled with all the warm, fuzzy feels. I can’t wait to start the next one.


“We’re all just broken children covering our guilt with adult clothing. We make peace with our guilt or we don’t but either way, we keep moving on. The only question is, will you move with me?”


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