Review: Crucible of Fate by Mary Calmes


In the secret city of Sobek, Domin Thorne is making his way as the newly chosen semel-aten, the leader of the werepanther world. He aspires to make sweeping changes—he’s set goals for himself and the people he chose to bring with him, modeling his reign after that of his friend, Logan Church. But Domin may have set too lofty a goal: his normal leadership style isn’t working.

While juggling a homesick Crane, a moody Mikhail, a bullwhip-wielding Taj, servants with murderous intentions, a visiting ex, and a mate on a dangerous goodwill mission, Domin has to figure out his new role alone. He also must determine how to deal with a conspiracy, all the while falling hard for a man who, for the first time in Domin’s life, reciprocates that love. Whether Domin is ready or not, Fate has stepped in to teach him a lesson: internal threats are just as dangerous as external ones.


This book was a weird addition to the series. It is the only story in the series that branches out from Jin and Logan. Here, the central players are Domin and Yuri. I would guess the main plot line was supposed to be Domin’s rise to power? In all honesty, the story was kind of like its cover, a hot mess.

I just don’t really understand the point of the novel. The only thing I can think of is that it is introducing us to a bunch of new characters who will be key players in the last book? Of course their is the whole Domin and Yuri are suddenly in love thing. Koren even shows up and says at one point something along the lines of your going to throw years of us away for a few months with Yuri. And while I like Yuri…Koren kinda has a point. While Yuri has been pining for Domin for years, Domin’s return of affection is very sudden and very random.

Even as the story progressed; chaos ensues, a few near death experiences occur, and Jin/Logan save the day…I still can’t find anything substantial in the book. Jin and Logan finally have their child, Ilia, and I don’t really care for how they were treated throughout this book. For some reason, while people want to admire the reah, they don’t really seem to give him the respect he deserves.

*sigh* I digress, the whole point of this tangent was that this book did nothing for me and contributed nothing to my life and I will now move onto the final story in the series which focus on the couple I am actually interested in…


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