Review: Not Dating Material by Saxon James

SYNOPSIS:Book Cover for Not Dating Material by Saxon James, the second installment in the Accidental Love Series.

Moving to Seattle is supposed to be all about getting a fresh start and leaving the bitter man I was becoming behind.

I have new roommates–quirky, sometimes strange, roommates–a nosy, next door neighbor and a grumpy kitty for company, but even surrounded by people, I still don’t feel like I belong. Plus, it turns out the men in Seattle are exactly the same as the ones I left behind, and my string of romantic disconnections continues.

It’s not until one of my roommates, Seven, hits me with some hard truths that I realize where I was going wrong.

Maybe the men aren’t the problem.

I am.

And there’s only one way to fix that.

Being found tied up naked to my bed by my cute new roommate isn’t an ideal way for us to start a friendship.

But apparently a quid-pro-quo is.

He keeps his pretty lips zipped about the compromising position, and I step in as his dating coach. We go out, I point out where he’s going wrong, and he magically becomes dating material.

The problem is, between my codependent brother Xander and a new best friend I can’t get rid of, Molly and I are the target of a matchmaking scheme. My life is way too busy to add another person to it, and Molly is the kinda guy who needs to be made a priority, which I just can’t do. Xander’s medical anxiety takes up too much of my time, and I’ve never found a partner who doesn’t resent it.

I’m determined to help Molly find his ever after.

But that guy will never be me.


*Book Received in Exchange for Honest Opinion/Review*

This book took me a minute to sink into, mainly because I didn’t like how the story started off with Seven naked and tied up as you can gain from the synopsis. I was worried that this sub-plot was going to take over the story but blessedly it didn’t get blown out of proportion. Once I got past that, I was positively enchanted by the book and couldn’t put it down.

I adored Seven, Xander, and Molly. I loved how Saxon’s writing is so real about trauma, it isn’t hidden or tried to be swept aside…its in your face, blunt and honest. Seven and Xander have it in spades but there relationship just works, they are kind of yin and yang, platonically speaking. Then there is Molly who is willing to support Xander and be there for Seven. The man has the biggest heart and he had me endlessly swooning.

The plot of fake dating for the sake of helping Molly was absolutely hilarious and endearing. Seven is in such deep denial of his feeling and each date they fall a little more. The chemistry and sexual tension between these two is off the charts, but what really had me transfixed was the emotional connection they shared. The heartfelt conversations whispered in the dark tugged at my heart and had me feeling all the feels! These two were absolutely perfect for each other.

I just adored the story, and I hope every single person in the house gets a happily-ever-after…especially Xander. In fact, I hope his story is next and it involves a certain nurse. *sigh, one can hope*


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