Review: Off Base by Annabeth Albert


After trading the barracks for a fixer-upper rental, navy SEAL Zack Nelson wants peace, not a roommate—especially not Pike, who sees things about Zack he most wants to hide. Pike’s flirting puts virgin Zack on edge. And the questions Pike’s arrival would spark from Zack’s teammates about his own sexuality? Nope. Not going there. But Zack can’t refuse.

Pike Reynolds knows there won’t be a warm welcome in his new home. What can he say? He’s an acquired taste. But he needs this chance to get his life together. Also, teasing the uptight SEAL will be hella fun. Still, Pike has to tread carefully; he’s had his fill of tourists in the past, and he can’t risk his heart on another, not even one as hot, as built—and, okay, yeah, as adorable—as Zack.

Living with Pike crumbles Zack’s restraint and fuels his curiosity. He discovers how well they fit together in bed…in the shower…in the hallway… He needs Pike more than he could have imagined, yet he doesn’t know how to be the man Pike deserves.


This book had so many delightfully awkward moments that I was laughing out loud. Even while tackling tough topics, Annabeth Albert manages to bring an air of humor and light to her stories. I have been waiting forever for Pike’s book and it did not disappoint.

So, if you read Annabeth Albert’s #gaymers series, you meet Pike there first. He is such a burst of energy and sunshine that I couldn’t wait to read about him. His endless flirting and charisma had me grinning on numerous occasions, and while he has some baggage, he is determined not to let it weigh him down. Behind all that charm, is a man with a heart of gold. Zack, is the innocent, tough, uber-closeted opposite. He is so tense and wound up that you are literally waiting for the moment he explodes.

These two clash in a flurry of lust that quickly turns into something more. While the story was sizzling hot, it was also filled with plenty of feels too. Zack has to go through a lot of self-reflection and self-discovery if he hopes to have any chance of keeping Pike. So while the romance is a center line in the story, it is also balanced with Zack combating homophobia from both his family and team members.

Overall, this book was everything I hoped it would be. Were there some horrid characters, absolutely. But these characters just solidified the bond between Pike and Zack. And the last chapter left me smiling and excited to start the next book, which really…that’s all I want at the end of a story.


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