Review: One Last Chance by Molly O’Keefe


I have two weeks to convince Jack to give me a second chance. Two weeks working in his bar and sleeping in his bed to prove that I’m sorry. And he can be as cruel as he wants, trying to get me out the door, but I won’t leave him. Not again.

But forgiveness is tricky…and Jack’s may cost me more than I have to give.


Another week and another meh Read Me Romance podcast, I am starting to wonder why I bother with these when the good reads are far and few in between. But alas, I digress so allow me to introduce you to the most selfish heroine ever, Natalie.

Natalie is selfish, self-centered, narcissistic, egotistical and finicky…I think you get the picture. While it seems the world and her family are plotting against her and Jack’s relationship, she is not helping any situation. This was one situation where I don’t think she deserved a happily-ever-after. I wish she would have returned and Jack had a new, better woman. And this here is why I don’t read second chances often…because b*tches don’t deserve them!

First off, the synopsis is a lie, she isn’t sleeping in his bed and didn’t over the course of the story. Secondly, the story surrounds Natalie’s decision to go to culinary school in Paris instead of staying with Jack…did they not talk while they were separated for a year?! I mean a whole year is a lot of history to just throw away. Thirdly, you cannot f*ck all your problems away, unless you are Natalie and Jack, then spread those legs and have at it.

I just honestly didn’t care at all for this story. It lacked substance and depth, out of the numerous sex scenes, some of those could have been removed to add more of a connection between Jack and Natalie because there wasn’t really any substance there. Just a meh read.


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