Review: The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare


When girl meets Duke, their marriage breaks all the rules…

Since his return from war, the Duke of Ashbury’s to-do list has been short and anything but sweet: brooding, glowering, menacing London ne’er-do-wells by night. Now there’s a new item on the list. He needs an heir—which means he needs a wife. When Emma Gladstone, a vicar’s daughter turned seamstress, appears in his library wearing a wedding gown, he decides on the spot that she’ll do.

His terms are simple:
– They will be husband and wife by night only.
– No lights, no kissing.
– No questions about his battle scars.
– Last, and most importantly… Once she’s pregnant with his heir, they need never share a bed again.

But Emma is no pushover. She has a few rules of her own:
– They will have dinner together every evening.
– With conversation.
– And unlimited teasing.
– Last, and most importantly… Once she’s seen the man beneath the scars, he can’t stop her from falling in love…


This book was exactly what I was looking for in a historical romance. Filled with angst, sexual tension, laugh-out-loud moments, and two stubborn leads, I couldn’t put the book down. Ash and Emma are delightful contrast with sharp tongues, endless banter and an ending that had me swooning. I now understand the hype behind Tessa Dare.

Emma and Ash are perfection, I adore them and hope to see glimpses of them in the rest of the series. Emma is sassy, determined, and brazen. I love how she constantly challenges Ash and while doing so, makes him a better man. Ash is all bitter anger, sexual frustration, brooding and stubborn to a fault. I loved that while they had an instant attraction, there was such a build up between them. There were tender moments sprinkled throughout as they blatantly try to deny their feelings for each other.

Both characters experience revelations over the course of the story and let go of past baggage. I love that they not only fell in love but also grew as individuals. Thanks to a meddlesome cat, a team of servants who can’t mind their own business, and rag-tag group of women who become Emma’s support. These secondary characters add a layer of charm and enchantment to the story. Only making me fall more in love. Honestly, I can’t wait to start the next one.


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