Review: The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic


Neil Josten is the newest addition to the Palmetto State University Exy team. He’s short, he’s fast, he’s got a ton of potential—and he’s the runaway son of the murderous crime lord known as The Butcher.

Signing a contract with the PSU Foxes is the last thing a guy like Neil should do. The team is high profile and he doesn’t need sports crews broadcasting pictures of his face around the nation. His lies will hold up only so long under this kind of scrutiny and the truth will get him killed.

But Neil’s not the only one with secrets on the team. One of Neil’s new teammates is a friend from his old life, and Neil can’t walk away from him a second time. Neil has survived the last eight years by running. Maybe he’s finally found someone and something worth fighting for.


Honestly, I finished this book and thought “WTF did I just read?” and I mean that in the best possible way. The story was twisted, confusing, toxic, intriguing and I couldn’t put it down. The further I read, the further down this crazy *ss rabbit hole I went.

The story starts off with us being thrown into the crazy world of Exy, yakuza, mafia, crime, drugs, and general chaos. From their we follow Neil’s story and learn bits and pieces about him as well as his new teammates. Note, teammates are all their own special brand of crazy…and I was here for it! And when I say crazy, I truly mean some of them should probably be in a psychiatric hospital. When one question was answered, at least 10 more were posed. I could not put the book down.

I was so curious about the teammates, the endless animosity amongst them, their common goals, and the secrets. Each character is carrying a bag of skeletons and I want to find them all. It’s the type of story that is so bad, its good. The characters are unhinged and dynamic, with strong personalities and depth but I never found myself confused about who was who and what was each person’s vice. They are crude and abrasive and I have a feeling this is only the beginning.

I think their is a romance but it will probably span over the trilogy because there was definitely no love in this story. I don’t even know if these characters are capable of love…well with the exception of Nicky. Was anything about this story realistic, absolutely not. Did I still love it, yup! Okay now I am off to feed on the chaos of book 2.


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