Review: Unwitting Mate by Kelex


Holden Jacobs is tired of being passed over for almost every role he’s ever auditioned for. After a decade in Valleywood, he has little to show for it besides a bunch of bit parts and commercials on his resume. All the good, meaty roles he wants seem to go to alphas. He’s not sure he has what it takes until one evening at Forbidden Underground changes everything.

Five-foot-nothing Fenn Perry flounces into Forbidden Underground in his pink tee, black tutu, and even blacker silk stockings and spies the beta of his dreams. When he has to make the first move, he knows he needs to make it count—and he’s very ready for the challenge. Who knew this bottom had it in him to play top?

Their bathroom hookup goes into overtime and they end up at Fenn’s place after. As morning dawns, an unexpected change will rock both their worlds… in ways neither could have imagined.


I liked this story but I didn’t love it. It was definitely a unique take on omegaverse and something I haven’t come across before; which let’s be honest, is usually the case when I read Kelex.

Fenn was a little spit fire who shocked me several times over the course of the story. He was such a strong, independent, successful omega. It was great to see an omega thriving in an omegaverse. Then there was Holden, who is just trying to land a leading role instead of steady small parts in his pursuit of acting. These two together are instant lust, a mutual attraction that seems to surprise them both. I enjoyed the chemistry between them.

After their first encounter, there was some necessary drama that I won’t spoil but it definitely left me reeling. However, past this point in the story, I wish there was more focus on their budding relationship. There was a lot of external drama that seemed to not only directly impact their relationships but also impacted their individual lives. It was a little distracting and felt over the top. To the point where I was over it and just finished the book because I was already too far in to DNF it. The ending was cute but I could have done without the unnecessary side drama.


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