Review: Up in Flames by Eden Finley & Saxon James


When it’s your job as groomsman to tell the groom his wedding isn’t happening, the smartest thing to do is get it over and done with and then tell the guests to leave.

Yeah, well, I never said I was smart.

I might … accidentally, maybe on purpose, suggest to Remy that the best form of revenge is to have a party anyway. I mean, he’s already got catering, a DJ, and guests, so what better time to throw a petty party?

My loser high school friend never deserved him anyway. If I’d had the chance, I would have locked Remy down years ago.

Only, when the party leads to a drunken kiss, going on their honeymoon, and sharing their marital bed, I have to say, I’m not entirely sad that their wedding went up in flames.


*Book Received in Exchange for Honest Opinion/Review*

As a long time reader of both Eden Finley and Saxon James, I have come to know their works individually and together as light-hearted, playful romances. They guarantee laughs, swooning, and a stellar HEA. Up in Flames, is something completely different from them. It has depth, heartache, agony, tackles some tough topics, and still manages to deliver a lovely HEA.

The story starts with Remy being left at the alter, Sanden convincing Remy to have a reception party, and then chaos as a result of that ensues…which you get from the synopsis. But what I didn’t expect was Sanden has been pining for Remy for years, Remy had a secret crush on Sanden, and the absolute trauma theses two are going to have to deal with before getting to an HEA. I won’t spoil things but lets just say that both characters have a lot of mental health issues and need to learn to love themselves before they can love each other.

The story was as much about the budding romance as it was these men healing from trauma. I love how Eden and Saxon normalize therapy and seeking help, it was a beautiful thing. I also love the very real problems in the story and the fact that there wasn’t easy answers. And though it took a lot of time and self-reflection for Remy and Sanden to make it to the end of the book, I enjoyed the journey they took me on and the epilogue left me with a cheesy smile and hopeful for their futures.


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