Review: Whiskey Throttle by Riley Hart


I’ve done a good job getting over my past. I’m not only proud of who I am, but revel in it. Still, I don’t let myself get too close to people. With closeness comes questions and those pesky feelings, and I’m having none of that. I’ve got a great job, friends, I’m cute and twinky, and my bed’s never empty. What more do I need? Except I can’t stop sleeping with Rush Alexander. I try, I really do, but I just can’t stay away, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is stressing me out. Rush has the power to hurt me—something I swore I’d never let happen again. Unfortunately, things become a little more complicated when I tell a white lie that lands me in a fake relationship with him. Yeah, not my best moment.

I’ve always been an easygoing guy and don’t let many things get to me. I’ve worked hard to make my dream of becoming a professional motocross racer come true, and everything else is icing on the cake. Like Lincoln Gray, for example. I need to tread carefully, even though I want more from him than our occasional hookups. If I give what we have too much throttle, we’ll crash and burn. But when Linc accidentally announces we’re boyfriends in front of my mom, the race is on. First, I have to show him there’s more between us than the way we burn up the sheets together. When Linc finally trusts me in ways he doesn’t anyone else, there’s no turning back. I’m a firm believer that nothing worth having comes easily, and Lincoln Gray is worth it all.


Strong start, lukewarm finish, but overall an enjoyable book. I really loved Lincoln and Rush’s relationship. They have undeniable chemistry, depth, and you know it’s going to be something special. But there is a sub-plot line that I didn’t care for and the story really fizzled out for me towards the end, more on that later.

Lincoln is the confident but beautifully broken twink we all know and love. I knew he was carrying around a lot of baggage and just seeing him so vulnerable during some tender moments had my heart breaking. The man is so fragile underneath all that bravado. And while he does have a complex relationship with Beau, its for good reason. But hands down, the greatest show of Linc’s giant heart, is his friendship with a teenager who has cancer. The man is just all sorts of selfless when no one is watching.

In contrast, as Linc would put it, Rush is the steady constant. His character never wavered…until the end of the book. For the most part, Rush is confident, rolls with the punches, and provides endless support to those around him. The sizzling tension between Rush and Linc was balanced perfectly with heartfelt moments that had me feeling all the feels. Their relationship, alone, was perfection. And while the whole endless praises during sex thing definitely isn’t my cup of tea, it didn’t take away from the story.

But there was some external drama that I didn’t care for. Rush’s best friend (Jude) and mom show up and decide to crash at his place for the duration of the story. Jude is feeling some sort of way, and even at the end of the story, I am not sure about him. He is jealous of Linc but also so happy for Rush and Linc.

Rush’s parents are going through a divorce and the divorce drama is an undercurrent that flows throughout the whole story. I really felt like this took away from the book. Especially at the end, the divorce drama just seemed to reach a climax and play out. After about 87%, I was over it and ready for the story to wrap up. But overall I liked this addition to the Fever Falls Series and I am looking forward to Keegan’s book.


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